VR and AI Researcher
Ten days ago I had the pleasure of presenting “Constellations” a hybrid #VR/live student play at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre. Beyond testing the capabilities of the new Showtime VR cloud service (cheaper, with some caveats), we observed how an audience would receive a play about multiverses (originally penned by Nick Payne) adapted to also include the…
“I just had an idea”…and after two years of pandemic, two rewritten thesis chapters, one remote workshop, one hands-in training (with a recap handbook and test reading!), we are ready to start doing VR performances!Constellations is my third year project for my PhD, a play I didn’t write but I have learned to love as my…
I think I opened my first blog fifteen years ago. That initial blog was full of posts about teenagehood, which I ended shutting down after I offended someone. The horror of offending someone made me shut down a blog (can you imagine that happenning in 2020?). I had a cooking blog, a fotolog, and n-number…